G'day members, 2 things:
**AGM Tues 28 March**
Come down to the Tav at UWA 6.30 pm tomorrow evening for the club's AGM meeting. We need as many of you as can make it so that we can ratify any decisions made at the meeting, and to vote in a new committee for the upcoming year. If you'd like to help the club in any capacity (we rely solely on the hard work of volunteers to operate), then this is the perfect opportunity to find out what needs to be done and how you can assist over the next 12 months. Oh, and there's FREE PIZZA and prizes to be won!
We need to finalise minimum numbers and accommodation at the backpackers THIS WEEK, so if you're keen on coming to Albany please jump in quick and book up ASAP. There's some really epic dive spots down there so you don't want to miss out!