Hi everyone,
I just wanted to write a quick post to say sorry to those of you that missed out on the Swan wreck trip this time around, however I also wanted to point out that any club member can organise a trip, all you need to do is have an idea of where you want to go and then ask the club skippers if anyone is willing to drive the boat. Then, if you get interested skippers you can ask about how we run trips usually, budget considerations, accommodation etc and those in the know will help you where they can, bear in mind though that the actual organising will be up to you and any other members that you can round up to help. Once on a trip everyone helps out with something such as cooking, gas fills, doing the dishes etc so the workload is shared and if people don't volunteer for jobs then jobs get allocated.
If you have any questions regarding trips you can ask a question on the Facebook group or contact the committee via the website.