To make sure you lot don’t catch a chill on the boat now that summer is reaching it’s end, we’re getting some very awesome UWAUC hoodies made up.
The zip operates at a special frequency designed to deter sharks, and the pockets are optimally sized for accessories such as a crayfish measuring gauge.
Available to you, the discerning club member, for a special price of $45 each - please click here to order (unisex).
We’re also putting in a re-order for our funky UWAUC polo shirts.
The shirts are high-quality 100% cotton, with embroidered club logo on the chest and dive flag on the sleeve, $29.95 each.
Please click here to order (mens or ladies fit).
We are hoping to place an order at the end of the week (Friday 13th April).
Too late to order a hoodie? I only just joined up. Cheers
Hi Michelle, we’ll be putting an order in soon – keep an eye on the website for ordering info!