Image by Wayne Chandra

Most of the clubs transactions are now handled by Stripe or PayPal. However, should a member be required to make payments directly to the clubs bank account (such as payments for gear hire or gap payments) the club bank details are as follows:
Account name: University Underwater Club
BSB: 036 054
Account number: 133 401
Description: Be sure to write the reason for depositing money into the account PLUS your surname
Description Examples:
Membership: 2013 HEATH (2013 PLUS #Surname)
Boat Dive: 250813 HEATH (#Date of dive PLUS #Surname) – date format DDMMYY
Club Trip: Duns13 HEATH (#See trip page for specific description PLUS #Surname)
Social Event: XMAS HEATH (#See social page for specific description PLUS #Surname)
Please save a screenshot of the transfer just incase it is required for payment verification.
If you have made any payments in error please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our treasurer via our contact form.