*** This dive is for Advanced Open Water and above qualified divers only. Conditions pending, we may go to 30m+ so please do NOT book on if you do not qualify or if you don’t feel confident.***
Skipper: Kai
We’re off to Rottnest Island to visit more of WA’s amazing underwater creatures. If the weather gods are kind to us we’ll seek out some deeper water for at least one of the two dives.
Meet at Aquarama Marina in East Fremantle at 7:30am. Look out for our distinctive boat; the black and yellow Chromodoris (Doris).
Select the appropriate ticket below. Cylinders and equipment can be hired through the club shed if needed. Details on that and the shed volunteer roster can be found here
To avoid disappointment, please remember to check your gear the day before and make sure it all works. Also remember to bring onboard:
- SMB or safety sausage (you must carry one on every boat dive with the club)
- Dive computer
- Dive certification card to the level required for the trip (e.g. if it’s an Advanced Open Water trip then you must bring an Advanced Open Water certification card or higher)
- Lunch or snacks
- Drinking water
- Sunscreen
- Crayfish license if catching (if this isn’t presented on the day you won’t be able to catch)
- 2 x cylinders and your dive gear (we dont provide this)
Please note, to book onto this trip you need to be logged into the website and be a current financial member of the club. If you can’t see the booking details below and you think you should be able to, please get in contact with us through either the Facebook page, or the Contact Us page on this website.
Log in if you already have an account with us.